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Roadsign Supports Ltd

Welcome to the Roadsign Supports website.

Our main products:

Necklen Breakaway poles 80, 100, 170 series – FHWA crash tested and certified steel highway sign poles. NZTA P24:2020 compliant. NZTA approval letter. The only large-sign frangible sign support in NZ which is NZTA approved.

Monopole; Types F, 0, 1, 2, 3L, 3 single post steel sign supports. New Type F for over path mounting of very small signs. NZ1170.1.

Electronic Poles. Special Vehicle Lane, Regional Type C, Urban EJT Type D.

Billboard non lit – interchangeable 2.4m x 1.2m ally highway display cupboard holding 4 x ACM boards, lockable, LH RH interchangeable.

Zed bracket – for mounting 400 high signs to bridges. RSZED01 vertical bracket $90, RSZED02 matching soffit bracket $90 for under mounting.

Commercial Sign Companies – cast in or base bolted 80-170 series poles for general and roadside private sign mounting. Use our existing PS1 and calculator.

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